a twirl party
My friends know that I do not love being the center of attention and that I feel awkward on my birthday. But they also know that this Twirl book is one of the most wonderful and hard-won things I've ever done and they didn't want to miss an opportunity to mark it with a celebration. So they combined their incredible creative, baking, cooking, hosting talents and threw a very thoughtful birthday/twirl party.
When I walked into my friend's barn (isn't it fabulous?!), of course I was delighted by the table set up and the cake and sparkly lights ... but then I saw a duck! A real-life Mr. Duck from the book!
How adorable is he?!
We visited and ate delicious fall food (which happens to be my favorite!). Yummy soups and salad and rustic bread and a Panzanella salad that I must remember to ask for the recipe.
And then they put me on the spot in the most tender way with thoughtful words about our friendships and what they see in me. Even though it is hard to just sit and listen to such nice things being said (I want to crack a joke! Or tell them to stop!), I truly tried to receive each kind word. Twirl is a story I've had in my heart for so long and not just one I made up on a whim, but a lesson I've had to fight hard to learn. To hear these ladies acknowledge that they see this in me feels so encouraging.
We cheers-ed over the most delicious hummingbird cake made by my very talented friend and decorated so adorably with little Twirl characters and cascading daisies.
This same baker friend makes the best sugar cookies and one of my favorite things is having her teach us how to decorate them. I wish I had pictures of the finished product! They were cute little frosted daisy cookies.
I feel so grateful for these women in my life. It is one thing to learn to twirl in my own special way; it is another to twirl alongside women who are doing their own twirling so beautifully as well. We don't have it all figured out. We're still growing and learning and confessing and encouraging. But isn't life so much sweeter when done with friends?
My heart is full. It was such a special birthday - the best one I've ever had.
If you haven't ordered a copy of Twirl yet, you can grab one here. Thank you so much for all of your kind support for this book. May it be a delightful reminder to all who hear the story that you are perfectly and wonderfully made.