He is with us - emily lex studio

He is with us

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 NIV "Mom, let's arm wrestle!" The boys find great joy in this game. Over the last few years, these children of mine have eclipsed me in height and weight and shoe size and, without a doubt, arm strength. And yet, they still like to challenge me, just to see, can I really beat mom? Every single time they laugh and act surprised and egg me on, "Mom, try!" as I fight with all my strength and laugh back and assure them "I am trying!". It's not even a competition; they win every time. I want it to be this way. I want them to grow and work hard and build their muscles for health and enjoyment and good use. I want them to be strong. But, even more than physical strength, I want them to be strong in character. Strong in convictions, in knowing truth from lie. Strong in self-control and firm in who they are. And I want them to be courageous; courageous to act and lead and make wise choices. Courageous to admit when they mess up and brave to try again. I want this for them, and I want it for me and you, too. Because, my goodness, fear, and discouragement just keep coming at us day after day, don't they?! We could all use strength and courage. The bad news is, the strength and courage required to combat fear and discouragement are not achievable on our own. We can give it our best effort, and perhaps succeed for a time, but it's always a temporary fix. No matter how much we train or try, we'll fall short. But there's great news, too. It's not up to us. We will receive exactly what we need as a result of this: God is with us, wherever we go. We chose this verse for our firstborn, Ethan (whose name means 'strong') when he was just a baby. And with each consecutive son, we chose it for them. It is the prayer of my heart for each of my boys: Be strong, my child, when you look fear in the face. Be courageous, my son, when you feel inadequate, knocked-down, and discouraged. For the Lord is good and powerful and full of grace and HE IS WITH YOU. He will never leave you alone or forget about you and you can never get beyond his reach. He is for you. He makes you strong. He makes you courageous. Always remember this. These words are for my boys and also me and you and every other son and daughter of God. This truth is for all of us, wherever we go.
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