stop and smell the roses
Stop and smell the roses.
I know, it's a cheesy phrase that you've likely heard a thousand times. But today it struck me and when I looked up the definition, it settled in even deeper:
Stop and smell the roses
(idiomatic) To relax; to take time out of one's busy schedule to enjoy or appreciate the beauty of life.
To stop and smell the roses means intentionally slowing down, lifting your eyes, and paying attention. It's noticing the little things that give life meaning, the moments that make you smile, pointing out what's lovely in the midst of everything else.
While at first glance it may seem frivolous, I wonder if it's exactly how our souls are meant to live.
I've been circling around and around trying to pinpoint the purpose behind the work I do, the value of this weekly email, the products I create. Today's pondering is exactly what I needed to fully articulate it.
Delight in your everyday.
I hope that's what you experience through the words and art found in my books, on social, in the weekly emails, when you receive a package or simply scroll the website. I hope you are encouraged to delight in your everyday.
And, above all else, may the stopping to smell the roses remind you that God is good and you are loved.